
Judy Kemp Obituary


We are sad to announce the passing of Judy Kemp.  Here is a link to the obituary.  Visitation is Friday, December 8th, 2023 3-7pm at 325 Demaree Drive, Madison, IN 47250.  Funeral will be at 7 pm.



Thank you for all your help this past weekend.  It was a wonderful opportunity not only to start our season off with a bang, but a great opportunity to share time with fellow judges.  There were many compliments from coaches regarding the critiques and the meet overall.  We can't run a Judges Cup without everyone pitching in their portion.  Many of you gave great feedback for next year's Judges Cup and we really appreciate the information.  If anyone has more feedback, please email Sharon.  Judgescupsharon@gmail.com
The assigning committee has started sending contracts through the first weekend in March.  There are a few weekends that are still very problematic.  If you have not received a contract that does not mean you are not getting assigned, just that there isn't a complete plan yet.  If your availability changes please let the assignors know ASAP.  
We have had to hold off assigning the State meet weekends as the IL-USA Gymnastics committee has to wait for regional assignments before they can have their selection meeting.  As soon as that is all settled those weekends will receive contracts. Thank you for your patience.
Here are some of our weekends we need help.  If you are already available in GymJas, you do not need to reach out.
  • February 11: Level 10 judge needed
  • Saturday February 17: Level 10 Judges needed
  • Please contact Cheryl Schuh if you are available Assignercheryl@gmail.com
  • February 23-25: We need close to 20 judges.  
  • Please contact Billy if you are available and not in the system already. 
  • Assignerbilly@gmail.com
Green Flag Winner
Linda McDonald 
2023 IL-Green Flag recipient







  • December 5th
    • NCAA Vault, Bar Clinic (link)
  • December 12th
    • NCAA Beam, Floor, Routine Summaries Clinic (link)
  • Jan 5th-7th, 2024